Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My religion

This is the term which is often misunderstood or misrepresented . This is term meaning of which is so simple but yet so complicated. People bomb down an edifice and kill hundreds of people in the name of religion. Many war were waged for religions. People cut the hands down of a teacher because he is accused of denigrating a religion. People annihilate in the name of religion. People wear different attire carry different symbols and go different institution for following different religion. I found it is associated with Money, power, anger, grudge, revenge,emotion, frustration, reservation, castigation,prostitution, blood, gore, right,responsibility and What not. As a habit i turned to the dictionary and it says

"a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs".

There also i find the words nature,purpose, morality,devotion,ritual, moral code,super human , super power...................... I didn't find what i was looking for . I am keeping my search on . I am hopelessly looking for a four letter word there which is "LOVE". I am not looking for it in any so called HOLY BOOKS.I am not looking for it in any institution.where i wont look or rather i am tired of looking there . I am looking for it in the hearts of people. I am looking for it in the deeds of people.I may get tired but i am confident one day or other i will prevail and i will find a religion which is called "LOVE and Compassion"

One last thought: When are we going to look beyond the so called holy text and symbols and realise that compassionate love is the greatest religion and god is love.............................


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. u r correct.
    thank u god, atleast one ghost is thinking abt all these matters.
    i like ur blogs.continue blogging...........
    all d best
